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Top 3 Takeaways from ATCA Global 2023

It was great seeing all the FAA staff and leadership, as well as many of our business partners, at ATCA Global 2023 last week! While the show primarily focused on technologies to support the Federal Aviation Administration’s National Airspace System (NAS), Foxhole Technology was on hand to share the importance of cybersecurity and what we are doing to help keep FAA’s enterprise, operations, and data secure. Here are our Top 3 takeaways from this year’s conference:

  1. FAA wants to learn more about cyber – Everyone from FAA leadership to staff to contractors says the agency is ready to improve.

  2. Safety is FAA’s No. 1 priority – Cyber plays a key role in this mission from both a security and privacy standpoint.

  3. FAA loves its toys – Our “Conquer Cyber” swords made a big splash at the show and are a strong reminder to take digital threats seriously.

Huge thanks to ATCA for putting on another great show. The conference proved again that face-to-face conversations are the most valuable. We look forward to expanding our support even more with the FAA. We’ll see you all next year!


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