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TechNet Cyber 2023 Recap

AFCEA’s 2023 TechNet Cyber in Baltimore was a smashing success. From strong panels with DISA and DoD leaders about what’s happening on the front lines to thoughtful technical sessions with industry on emerging technology and solutions, the event showcased how the Defense cyber landscape is shifting to combat ever-evolving threats.

We got a chance to interact with plenty of key decisionmakers and uniformed service members who stopped by our booth (Photos 2 and 6) - Thank you for your service! Other highlights include:

  • Photo 1 - Debuting our new Foxhole branding and booth.

  • Photo 3 - Our CIO Stewart Kerr (center) preparing our new ACAS in a Box cloud solution for a demonstration.

  • Photo 4 - There was a mini USMA Graduates reunion with Gary Winch (’90) of Ernst and Young, Nora Marcos (‘91) of CISCO, cyber consultant Deb (’94), and Foxhole's own Don Brewster (’89).

  • Photo 5 - Foxhole's CMRS Program Manager Chris Smith (center) got a chance to sync up with experts from technology provider Fortress (at left).

Our team even met with AFCEA’s own Sue Lawrence (LTG, USA Ret). And in case you missed it, Foxhole gave away a few light-up pixel swords.

We’re already gearing up for next year. Hope to see everyone then. In the meantime, check out our photos from the conference.


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